It is too rain, isn't it? I guess everyone is disappointed because of rain. However, you must not always be disappointed. When you change the point of view, you can see the beautiful flower in this season. Do you know what it is? Yes, answer is "hydrangea"."Hydrangea" is "Azisai" in Japanese. Do you know why it is called "Azisai"? I checked it.
"Azisai" can be separated "azi" and "sai". "Azi" was "adu" in the past. That mean "gathering", especially gathering of small things. And then, "sai" means "indigo blue". Therefore, "azisai" mean that gathering of indigo blue flowers. Yes, "azisai" is consisted of many small blue flowers. It has many variety of colors, so it is sometimes called "Sichihenge(七変化)". Besides, in Nigata and Saga prefecture, it is called "sichimen-chou(turkey)" because turkeys change their color of skin to blue, purple, and red.
It is called "hydrangea" in English. It came from Greece. "Hydr-" means "water", and "angeion" means "vessel". Therefore, "hydrangea" express "vessel of water". The ancient people imaged water jar, I think.
Next, do you know why hydrangea has many variety of colors? It depends on the composition of soil. If the soil is acid, it bloom blue flowers. On the other hand, if the soil is alkaline, it bloom red flowers. Most of Japanese hydrangea have blue flowers, because Japanese nature soil is acid. European ones, called "western hydrangea", are red because of alkaline soil. However, we can make soil by using fertilizer, so we can see many type of hydrangea in one country. Therefor, the language of flower is whim in Japan. However, French language of flower is "a woman full of vigor" and "patient love". It is interesting, isn't it? Which color do you like the best? I like purple one the best!!
Next, do you know why hydrangea has many variety of colors? It depends on the composition of soil. If the soil is acid, it bloom blue flowers. On the other hand, if the soil is alkaline, it bloom red flowers. Most of Japanese hydrangea have blue flowers, because Japanese nature soil is acid. European ones, called "western hydrangea", are red because of alkaline soil. However, we can make soil by using fertilizer, so we can see many type of hydrangea in one country. Therefor, the language of flower is whim in Japan. However, French language of flower is "a woman full of vigor" and "patient love". It is interesting, isn't it? Which color do you like the best? I like purple one the best!!
Finally, I will talk about history of hydrangea. Hydrangea was born in Japan, and it has grew up since Nara period. European hydrangea was Japan in origin. In edo period, Seabolt, who is a Dutch doctor, brought back it in his country. It is beginning of Western hydrangea. And then it was amended in the European country, there are many kinds of hydrangea now.
June has a lot of many rain, so people are likely to be disappointed. When you are demoralized, you should see hydrangea. It must be make you relaxed, and you can feel good point of rainy season.
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