Friday, April 25, 2008

Hard training !!

Since I became a university student, I have not often done sports. I can not run lang way now. However I know it is not good for my health, so I come to school on my foot from the station except when I have to harry. It takes fifteen minuites.

Today, I come to school on my foot because I have a time. Actually, I had a special class, that is to be Japanese teacher, so I would leave school at seven thirty. I thought if I leave school as soon as finishing class, I can catch my train that leave at 7:43. I had better to come to school by bicycle because ... class finished three minuites later I think!! That means I left my school at 7:33. I had to arrive the station for ten minuites!! I repeat but it usually takes for fifteen minuites. If I had walked to the station, I could not have caught the train.

Therefore, I run to the staion from school. I ran so hard. Ran and ran and ran...., I could reach at the station for 7 miniutes!!! As a result, I could catch the train. In the train, my breath was up and I was so tired because I had not run for the long time.

If I try this sometime, it is good training, I think. However I may not do it because it was really hard for me!!

[241 words]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! you ariived that station for 7min.? you are a good runner right?*hah* I have to do sports! I don't like Muffin top! *hah*
Oh! And Thank you for your comment to me! my car is fine now! I can go to school by car again! I don't need to take a bus! (^w^))*hah* (so I will not walk *hah* →ぜい肉❤*hah* )