Monday, October 20, 2008


I have talked about Sunameri before. Today, I want to write about Beluga. I watched one TV program, and fall in love!! Beluga is called "White Whale". They have white body, and looks so cute!! I love them very much.

They live in the sea of Pole. Its' white body is protective coloration because it is same color with ice. Its' longth is five meters, and weight is onw point five tons. Dosal fin is small, so it can swim in the sea where many ices are. Their voice is so high, so they are also called "Canary of the sea". Beluga is a very friendly animal. Belugas make cluster which consists of thousand Beluga. Its' enemy is killer whale and poler bear. They can make "Babblr Ling". It is so beautiful and amaging!! I have heard that some people can do same things.

Today, I reserched about Beluga. Actually, I have not seen them yet. I really want to meet them!! I will go to aquarim and see them next vacation!!

[172 words]

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