Monday, September 22, 2008


Today, school started finally. I had a six classes today. It was so hard because I have not studied such a long time during summer vacation. Besides, I have studied only English during vacation. I am afraid of forgetting about the other classes.

The first period was psychology. I like the class. To know about human's heart is difficult, but we need to know in order to look at myself. We can know about own thinking. At first, I went to same classroom as spring semester. However, the teacher didn't come. I was wondered. And then, my friend told to me that the classroom was changed. I harried to go the right classroom. After that, I took the class in no problem.

However, the same things was happened in second period. It was American literature The class room was changed again. We had to go the right room. I thought I have to check the wall again and again.

The third period was cross cultural communication. It is so good for me. I can learn about the sense of value, differences from thinking, and so on. We learn how to communicate well with the foreign people. It is so useful, and good study for me.

The forth period was the Linguistic of English. It is difficult. All of linguistic is interesting, but difficult. I have to listen to my teacher, or I can't understand. However, the teacher always help me. Therefore I can keep trying.

The fifth period was career desing class. I heard about what I should do during university life in order to get a job. It is good for me.

The last class was Seminar of Japanese teacher. I was tired at that time, but I could say many opinions during the class. Japanese is difficult. But to teach Japanese is more difficult than it, I thought.

The first day was so busy. But I have to do it. I will go to Canada, so I want to get many knowledge as possible I can. I want to talk many things with many people, so I require to know many things. i will keep trying.

[316 words]

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