Saturday, December 6, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

This weekend, I am sooooo busy. First, I had TOEIC test in Saturday morning. I had to study for it. Secound I have many reports now. I have five reports that I have to finish!! Some of it I have already done, but I couldn't do it well, I think. And then, I am trying to write one of reports now, but I am really sleepyX( It may take long time. Besides, I will take a TOEFL test next Saturday!! I need more score to take the class in Canaada, so I have to study harder. However, I am too busy to study for TOEFL. I am bothered by it. Finally, I have to do book review for this blog!! I have to read books and write on the blog post, I know. ..

I want to borrow the cat's hand!!

[142 words]

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