Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Biscuit Finds a Friends~BR 2-14~

I read this book because I was atractted by this surface. It was so cute. It made me relaxed.

This story was also heart- warming. It was a story of the dog whose name was Biscuit. One girl had the dog. One day Biscuit found something. The girl wandered, and she followed him. He found one baby of duck!! The baby was afraid of them for the first time, but they were so kind, they could become good friends. Biscuit tried to look for the baby's family. They went to the lake. They could find the family, and become the good friends again. They played together all day.

It was not difficult book. After I read the story, I felt happy. It has so cute pictures, so I reccomend to read the book.

[134 words]

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